Stress is an inevitable part of life, but how we respond to it can make all the difference. A holistic approach to stress relief takes into account not just the symptoms of stress but also its underlying causes. By combining two powerful tools—aromatherapy and mindfulness—you can manage stress more effectively and bring greater balance into your life.

In this blog post, we will explore how aromatherapy and mindfulness work together to create a calming, restorative practice for stress relief. You will learn simple techniques that you can incorporate into your daily routine to help you stay grounded and relaxed.

What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils to promote physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing. These oils, derived from plants, carry powerful therapeutic properties that can affect both the mind and body.

Certain essential oils have calming and stress-relieving effects, making them ideal for combating anxiety and tension. When used regularly, aromatherapy can support emotional balance, ease mental overload and promote relaxation.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment, aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. It encourages you to slow down, breathe deeply and focus on the here and now, which can help break the cycle of stress.

When combined with aromatherapy, mindfulness can create an even deeper sense of calm and connection, allowing you to better manage stress and stay grounded, no matter what life throws your way.

How Aromatherapy and Mindfulness Work Together

When you combine aromatherapy with mindfulness, you engage multiple senses—particularly your sense of smell and your focus on the present. This combination amplifies the calming effects of both practices, making stress relief more effective.

For example, by using calming essential oils like lavender or frankincense during a mindfulness meditation, you create a multisensory experience that helps you relax more deeply. As you breathe in the aroma, your brain associates the scent with relaxation, enhancing the calming effects of the meditation.

Step-by-Step Guide: Combining Aromatherapy with Mindfulness for Stress Relief

1. Create a Calming Space Before you begin, set up a peaceful, quiet environment. Diffuse essential oils known for their calming properties to help create a serene atmosphere. Here are some ideal oils for stress relief:
  • Lavender: Known for its calming and sedative properties, lavender is one of the most popular oils for reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Frankincense: This grounding oil promotes emotional balance and supports deep breathing, making it perfect for mindfulness practices.
  • Bergamot: A citrusy oil that uplifts the mood while simultaneously reducing feelings of anxiety.
  • Geranium: This floral oil helps balance emotions and promotes a sense of stability.

Calming Diffuser Blend for Stress Relief: 3 drops of Lavender 2 drops of Frankincense 2 drops of Bergamot Diffuse this blend in your chosen space to create a tranquil environment.

2. Begin with Deep Breathing Once your space is set up and your diffuser is running, start with a few deep breaths to centre yourself. Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of four, hold for four and exhale slowly through your mouth for four. This practice alone can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

While you’re breathing, focus on the scent of the essential oils. Let the aroma fill your senses as you exhale tension and breathe in calm.

3. Practice a Simple Body Scan Meditation Now that you have centered your breathing, you can incorporate a mindfulness technique known as a body scan. This meditation helps you become aware of any areas of tension in your body, allowing you to relax more fully.

  • Sit comfortably or lie down.
  • Close your eyes and continue taking slow, deep breaths.
  • Starting at your toes, focus on each part of your body. Notice any tension, discomfort, or tightness, and consciously release it as you exhale.
  • Slowly work your way up your body, paying attention to your feet, legs, hips, torso, chest, arms, neck, and head.
  • As you scan your body, let the calming aroma of the essential oils support you, helping to deepen your relaxation with each breath.

4. Repeat an Affirmation or Mantra To keep your mind from wandering, try repeating a calming mantra or affirmation. This could be something simple like, “I am calm, I am safe,” or “In this moment, I am at peace.” As you repeat your mantra, breathe deeply and focus on the present. The scent of the essential oils will reinforce the sense of calm you are cultivating, helping to anchor your mind and reduce stress.

5. End with Gratitude After your mindfulness practice, take a moment to reflect on something you are grateful for. This could be as simple as the peacefulness of the moment or the gift of time you have given yourself for self-care.

Expressing gratitude at the end of your practice helps shift your mindset from stress and worry to positivity and calm, leaving you feeling more centered and resilient.

Additional Techniques for Combining Aromatherapy and Mindfulness

While the steps above offer a structured mindfulness practice, there are other ways to incorporate both aromatherapy and mindfulness into your daily life:

Morning Routine: Start your day by diffusing an energizing blend like peppermint and orange while practicing mindful breathing. This can help you set a calm and positive tone for the day.
Mindful Bathing: Add calming essential oils like lavender and chamomile (diluted into carrier oil) to your bath, and focus on the sensation of the warm water and the scent of the oils. This creates a deeply relaxing experience that helps ease away the stress of the day.
Mindful Walks: Apply a grounding oil like frankincense roll-on (blended into carrier oil) to your wrists or neck before heading out for a walk. As you walk, focus on the sights, sounds and smells around you, using the scent of the oil to help keep you present.


By combining the power of aromatherapy with mindfulness, you can create a holistic approach to stress relief that supports your overall wellbeing. Whether you are new to mindfulness or a seasoned practitioner, adding essential oils to your routine can deepen your practice and make it easier to manage stress in a natural, effective way.

At Sixth Senses Aromatics, we offer a wide selection of essential oils designed to support emotional balance and stress relief. Explore our collection and start your journey toward a more relaxed, mindful life today.